Sunday, October 15, 2023



Submitted by The Burning Platform

Poor man wanna be richRich man wanna be kingAnd a king ain’t satisfied‘Til he rules everything

Badlands – Springsteen

I know Springsteen has aged into a far-left establishment shill who fell for the Covid scam, got his jabs and boosters, and is now clearly vaxx injured, as he had to cancel his world tour because of “illness”. During the covid scamdemic he made his audiences prove they were vaxxed, and then had to cancel multiple concerts because band members tested positive for covid. He and Neil Young, the anti-establishment bad boys during the early 1970’s, are now a laughing-stock to any critical thinking person who didn’t buy the government and media propaganda about a non-lethal flu bug.

Be that as it may, Springsteen’s 1975 album – Darkness on the Edge of Town – is my favorite, probably because most of the songs are dark and angry, matching my personality. Times in this country were not good in 1975. A president resigned over Watergate. Inflation was raging due to central bank and government incompetence.

The OPEC oil embargo due to the U.S. support for Israel created supply shortages and long lines at gas stations across the badlands of America. It seems support for Israel hurting America has been a constant theme over the last 50 years. As a 12 year old kid, I remember waiting in those gas lines with my dad. There were no smart phones to kill the time, maybe just my latest edition of Sports Illustrated to read.

The four lines above from Badlands pretty much sum up how the world works and how it has always worked. Everyone on this earth has 80 to 100 years, if they are lucky, to make their mark. We know a virtuous decent person would just want to work hard, earn a fair wage, marry, raise honest upstanding children, teach them morals, be a benefit to their community, and leave the world a better place than when they entered. But we know the forces of evil will not allow this path for most people.

The American Dream was a glorious fantasy, to keep the masses sedated and malleable, as those behind the scenes, pulling the strings of society, as documented by Edward Bernays in his 1928 book Propaganda, would never allow the dream to be realized by most.

“The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.” – James Truslow Adams – The Epic of America – 1931

The American Dream has always been a fallacy, with a brief period during the 1950s and 1960s where some of the poor were able to elevate their status to the middle class. Since the 1970s, the poor have gotten poorer, even though they have been convinced by their overlords they are richer through the use of seemingly limitless debt. Driving expensive sports cars and living in McMansions while up to your eyeballs in debt is not getting richer. Buying shit you don’t need with one of your ten credit cards, to keep up with the Jones's, while paying 24% interest on the balance is not getting richer. The only ones getting richer are the already rich bankers.

There are many rich men in this world, and they aren’t satisfied with those riches. They want to use their wealth to gain more wealth, power and control over others. Life is a game to many of these psychopaths, and they want to win at all costs. Millionaires want to be billionaires. Billionaires want to be the wealthiest billionaire. And these soulless greedy accumulators of wealth want to be king and rule everything. Gates and Soros are poster boys for Springsteen’s description. They do not want to build a better world. They want to remake the world, unleashing a darkness that will engulf and destroy the planet. These are evil men who have a vast army of equally evil men working to fulfill their satanic agenda.

The gathering gloom you are feeling is real. As most people go about their daily lives, rooting for their football teams, posting drivel on facebook and twitter, buying tickets to Taylor Swift’s concert movie, staring at their i-gadget prisons, and wondering why their standard of living keeps going down, psychopaths in suits are pushing the world toward World War 3. Time to get right with the lord and be prepared for the worst. There truly is a darkness on the edge of town and it is bearing down on us like a locomotive. The dream is real and it should be waking you up at night with a fear so real. Welcome to the badlands.

Talk about a dreamTry to make it realYou wake up in the nightWith a fear so realYou spend your life waitingFor a moment that just don’t comeWell, don’t waste your time waiting

Springsteen – Badlands

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